Monday, 16 September 2013

What is a Blog?

A blog is something which someone updates on a regular basis and provides the appropriate information for that blog. Each blog will be about something else, and a blog is usually about someones interests and the follewers of that blog are interested in that as well. For example a blog can be about sports and another blog may be about music. Anyone can make a blog for free and talk about anything that they like. A blog also has to be regularly updated so that the followers of that blog won't lose interest in it.

What is an RSS Reader and Why use it?

An RSS Reader is something that allows people to follow other peoples blogs and get notified through the RSS Reader on when someone updates that blog. It also means that if you want to follow a large amount of blogs, they are all in one place instead of you having to find them again. An RSS Reader also allows you to go directly to a blog.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How a computer graphics card works.

A computers graphics card works with the processor to form the correct image, the processor gets information from the software and sends that information to the graphics card. The graphics card then has to calculate how to arrange the pixels in order to show the correct image, the graphics card then sends the correct image through a HDMI/VGA cable (or any other usable cable) and allows the person to see the image on the screen. In a game, the graphics card has to be able to produce a 3D image very quickly and well and does this by firstly putting all the information into a wireframe, then it has to fill in the remaining pixels to create the full thing and then can add lighting, colour and textures. Different graphics cards have different speeds in which they can do this, a more expensive graphics card will be able to do this process faster which will mean the game will run smoother. Also depending on what graphical settings the user uses whilst playing the game can also affect how smooth the game will run, and how much load there will be on the graphics card.
